In Notion, you can easily replicate content or repeat actions you use frequently — essentially creating your own templates within a page 🍣
Many of our workflows include small routine tasks like making a meeting agenda or changing the status of tasks. With a button, you can accomplish a lot of repetitive tasks with the click of a button.
To create a button:
and search forButton
Label the button and add an emoji
Add steps and click
Insert blocks
Insert any text above or below the button. Any content blocks (like checkboxes, bullets, toggle lists, etc.) that you can use on a page, you can include in this text box.
Add a step and select
Insert blocks
Use the text box to create a template for what you’d like to appear when the button is clicked.
orAdd another step
Add pages to…
Add a page row to a selected database with any selected properties.
Add a step and select
Add pages to...
Choose the database you’d like to add a page to and if you'd like to use a template
Add a name
Add any properties to edit
orAdd another step
Edit pages in…
Edit pages in a selected database. You can choose to edit all pages or certain pages based on a filter.
Add a step and select
Edit pages in...
Choose the database you’d like to edit
Edit all pages in the database
or create a filter to find the right pagesAdd any properties to edit
orAdd another step

Show confirmation
Prompt a small confirmation screen anytime someone clicks the button. Include these anytime you want to ensure a page or database is not being changed accidentally.
Add a step and select
Show confirmation
Edit the confirmation message and buttons if needed
orAdd another step
Open page
This will open a selected page upon clicking the button. This could be a existing page or a page that was created within the button itself.
Add a step and select
Open page
Select the page you’d like to open and in what view to open it
orAdd another step
Hover over your button and click
in the left margin. Or click the•••
icon that appears to the right. You can also right click. All of these actions will bring up the same menu.Click
to remove your button entirely. You'll have to remake it to bring it back.
How do I create templates for nested content?
Nested content is any kind of content that lives inside another content block, for example: pictures and text within a page, or a to-do list within a toggle list.
Create some content you'd like to replicate and drag it into a page or toggle list.
Create a Template Button and drag the page or toggle list into the
section of the configuration form.Hit
and drag your Template Button to the most useful location on your page.
Can I use an @-tag such as @today inside a template button?
Yes! You'll be able to specify whether you want the @-mention to input the fixed date/user, or the date/user upon duplication.
What permission level does one need to interact with a button?
A user must have Full access
or Can edit
permissions to interact with a button on a page.
If the button is interacting with or making changes to another page or database, additional permissions will be required.
Add page: Must be editor of the target database.
Edit pages: Must be editor of the target database.
Open page: Must have read access of the target page.