Data sources & linked databases

Using linked databases
In this Article

Need to reference database content somewhere else in your workspace? Linked databases let you show, filter, and sort the same source data across multiple locations ⛓

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When you make a database, you’ll be given the option to select an existing data source from the workspace or to a create a brand new one.

  • We suggest selecting an existing data source if you want to consolidate disparate information, use the same properties from another database, or an existing view living elsewhere in your workspace would be helpful. You can search for existing databases and then choose the one you'd like to use.

  • We suggest creating a new data source if the information you're adding to the database is in a new category or if you want to keep it separate from other data. To create a new database, click + New database at the bottom.

Resource: For more insights on how to leverage databases and structure them within your workspace, check out this guide →

Think of each linked database as a two-way excerpt of the source database. It references the same source data, but has its own views, filters, and sorts.

  • Hit + that appears in the left margin on hover, or type /linked and press enter.

  • A menu will pop up that allows you to type to search for specific databases in your workspace. You can also scroll to browse.

  • The database you select will show up as a copy of the original, which you can filter, sort, and view differently without changing the original.

  • When interacting with a linked database, the views, filters, or sorts you create and delete will not affect the views on the original database.

  • However, edits you make to the actual content or properties of a linked database will be reflected in the original.

  • You can add as many linked databases as you would like in-line on a single page. Filter them for different purposes to create your own dashboard.


I tried sharing a page with a linked database, but the recipient wasn't able to see it.

Whoever you share this type of page with needs to have access to the original database to be able to see any linked excerpts of that database.

Can I name my linked database something different from the original database?

Not at the moment. We've had a few users ask about this though, so it's on our to-do list!

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